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Dani Wise Johnson is the owner and founder of Blueline Environmental.  Dani joined the NCSU Water Quality Group as an Extension Associate in 1998 and became a part of the team that developed the Stream Restoration Institute. For seven years, Ms. Johnson and others completed numerous research projects on stream form and function. This field intensive experience led to a deeper understanding and appreciation for stream dynamics/complexities, watershed functions, the necessity of in-field evaluation, and the irreplaceable value of learning how to “read the river”. During the last four years of her time at NCSU WQG, Dani served as the Program Leader for the Institute and managed various restoration and watershed focused projects state-wide. She was also a Lead Instructor for the popular River Course classes and other training opportunities. Additionally, Dani supported both State and Federal regulatory personnel in the development of monitoring success criteria, project design review, and creation of functional assessments for the purposes of rating streams to be impacted/restored. After leaving the University, Dani created Blueline Environmental as a means of providing clients with assessment, design, monitoring, training, and a variety of other services. Since that time, Dani has continued to design restoration projects as well as work with other firms, participating in projects with a larger emphasis on land use planning (both site-specific and long-term), watershed assessments, TMDL Implementation Plan development, creation of Decision Support Systems to support funding of restoration efforts, technical support to landscape planning efforts, and incorporation of restoration efforts into Brownfield development sites.

Related Trainings and Certifications:
Wildland Hydrology Courses – Levels I-V (Rosgen)
Fluvial Geomorphology for Engineers, 2000
River Morphology and Applications, 2001
River Assessment and Monitoring, 2001
River Restoration and Natural Channel Design, 2001
River Restoration Design Implementation, 2005
Sediment Transport Considerations in River Restoration, UC Berkley, 2003
Aquatic Macro-invertebrate Sampling Certification, NC Division of
Water Quality, 2006
Eco-hydraulics and River Corridor Restoration, NCSU 2010
Risk Assessment of In-Stream Structures, NCSU 2010

Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP), 2021
Certified Ecological Restoration Practitioner (CERP), 2021

Environmental Water Transactions, OSU, 2022

MS, Natural Resources Administration, Hydrology Concentration
North Carolina State University, 1998

BS, Environmental Science, Geology Concentration
College of William and Mary in Virginia, 1995