Class Information

April 8-10, 2025
Location: Panola Mountain State Park
2600 Highway 155, SW
Stockbridge , GA 30281

Introduction: Blueline Environmental (BE) will conduct a 3-day course on the North Carolina methodology for identifying intermittent and perennial streams and their origin in Stockbridge, GA. The course will focus on the widely used and applicable North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) stream identification methodology. More information on the stream identification methodology is available at: (

Dani Wise Johnson, MS; Principal and Senior Hydrologist, Blueline Environmental. With over 25 years experience in research, training and consulting on watershed hydrology, stream form/function, and ecological restoration.

Larry Eaton, MS; Aquatic Biologist, NCDWQ. As part of his 25+ years of taxonomic experience, Mr. Eaton conducted the research to develop the NCDWQ list of benthic macroinvertebrate perennial indicators. He also has extensive experience in teaching, testing, and applying the NCDWQ stream identification methodology throughout the southeast.

The course will begin at Panola Mountain State Park 2600 Highway 155, SW
Stockbridge , GA 30281. Classroom portion of the course will be held in the conference room.

Registration fee includes instruction, notebook/class materials, and bottled water/soft drinks on field trips. Lunches on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be on your own.

Soil augers, soil color books, and macroinvertebrate sampling gear will be provided for the field trips, however, attendees are welcome to bring and use personal equipment. The field trips will be conducted regardless of weather conditions. Knee boots or hiking boots will be adequate for the field trips.

Parking fees are covered by the course as well.

Send contact info to or go here

The course fee is $875 and is payable by check or credit card (through PayPal).  Please make checks payable to Blueline Contracting.

Mailing address:  Blueline Contracting   c/oDani Wise Johnson    276 Granite Mill Blvd Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Refunds:  If participant cancels registration prior to 30 days before class, a full refund offered. If less than 30 days prior to class, a 50% refund is available.